Eastern Australia will be exposed to two different and major weather systems that have the potential to severely impact air travel from Wednesday 12th December.
Tropical Cyclone Owen is intensifying in strength and is currently headed west across the Gulf of Carpentaria. It is predicted to reverse course towards the Cape York Peninsula. Areas that could be affected include:
- East Arnhem Land
- The Gulf country
- Cape York Peninsula
More info at: http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDQP0012.shtml
An upper level, cut off low-pressure system in the south-east of the country will bring very unstable weather (rain, wind and thunderstorms) to a region extending from Brisbane to Adelaide. This is the same type of weather event that created massive problems at eastern seaboard airports 3 weeks ago.
Private Charter may be an option. These weather events reduce the number of movements that an airport can safely manage. At high volume airports, this causes delays and cancellations. General aviation airports as used by charter planes don’t have the same high volumes and can still operate to normal capacity. This means that a private charter may be a solution if your travel is delayed or cancelled.
Safety is the priority for all types of aviation and no commercial or charter flight will take off unless the weather is suitable.
If your regular flight is delayed or cancelled then contact us to see if a private charter can offer an alternative.